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Thursday, March 01, 2007

last day on earth

parking my car at ngee ann city harvest great returns. i walked in the busy evening of town from cineleisure back to ngee ann city, catching "the fountian" solo, add a solo stand dining of some japanese omelette noodle, and finally paying a second visit at kinokuniya, reaps 2 zines that was just not there at 4pm. brilliant.

last week's shadow trooper induced the released of medicom's long awaited clone trooper finally, and roy was kind enuff to bundle it with a mcquarrie concept trooper at a low $230. ok a mcquarrie concept is a exception to recollect another 3 3/4inch that i am desperately selling off in my auctions.
i had to backed out my ps3 pre-order at gamescore cos sony HK screwed em up, not allowing them to be a launch partner for this 7th. they'll have stock for ps3, but no goodies so i backed out. jaclyn was also nice enuff to waived the offset when i refunded my $50 deposit in exchange to buy the ps3 component wires.
3day old liverpool 80s jersey i bought from adidas. nice re-released. this was my offical shirt for 2day's trip. and there were lonely souls in small cinema at "the fountian". i never knew there was a level9 for cathay cineleisure. and 3 girls giggled and commented on the "goondus" were couldn't picture what "the fountain" was all about. youngsters these days lack the sense of art direction. all they care for is loud fashion statement in their products n attitude. whatever happen to the arstist imaginery minds? i feel old n separated. i am me.

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