apron called and the OJT girl at GC2 answered. she asked me did i taxi the Jetstar to the wrong gate or was it the pilot's fault. i was certain i had told the pilot the correct bay. but after a few seconds of self-doubt, i began to sway and wonder.
it is the nature of our job, due to the amount of information that we need to retain in our gray matter, makes controllers to have short memory? or was it me.
the self-blame mentality kicks in quicker then a bee and i was caught in bad discomfort. yesterday i too had another encounter with Jetstar. another incident that i couldnt be too sure was it me or THEM again.
i can watch out for OTHERS, but it shouldnt always be my liability. my falter, GOD shouldnt be liable to watch out for me.
i fall into the trap of medium difficulty. in life, at work, and self achievement. tho i do learn things and master at a steady pace, my upper limit always peaks only at a acceptable standard. i know i can do more, but slack and laziness limits me to stagnant at average.
if i could stop my shopping uncontrollable spree, i could help myself and more.
solution:- the paper strips are right in front of us. a good self-discipline of marking strips at work could save my weak registers. my poor registration. that should stop my insecuity when questioned, and i can rely on the positivity from the evidence of strip marking. tho many inventions has been out-growned by technology, but some old school still serves a nice purpose.
there's always room for improvement. like what my report card in primary school will say. i dont wanna be a under-achiever, but it'll need dedication and hardwork to excel beyond my comfort zone.
OR could the world i enter has became too demanding on me ??
the skipped list for 2day:-
playstation UK march08 - condemned 2 review
EDGE - xbox 360 future
maclife - mac air feature
macworld - mac air feature