just came home from HMV. my intention was to buy the 2disc AvP region3. located a region3 Predator 1+ 2 dvd as well. there was a region1 Predator with all the making of but i guess this movie is a little to old so i skipped that for this 2-in-1 disc. this reminds me of the Conan 1+2 i got back then but that had all the bells and whistles. small feature on the left, MGSPO+ i got few days back from funzcentre at $35.
so why not get AvP on blu-ray? AvP on blu-ray does not have any making of documentries. it does have a cool feature of watching in on theatrical cut or uncut version but my focus for this phase is to understand the AvP storyline. but if i really love the movie, u never know, i might back myself up with the blu-ray version. so why not get the blu-ray for Predator? again, reviews say the transfer was bad so this Predator 1+2 is a good deal, and it helps me to complete my character study for the Predator series as well. a good catch tonight.
i've parked illegally outside heeren for 15mins. as i left my car another had a traffic police slip over his windscreen. i took the risk but was declared safe when i completed my expedition.
now .... i'm contemplating on Wolf Predator 12inch by hot toys. my lowest find at CSC 2day is $380. possibly a $120 from he release price. there's 3 Predators from the Predator 2 series hot toys had produced and a big bunch of Preds from AvP series. AvP2 only has Wolf predator. the hunt continues ....
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