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Friday, February 19, 2010

Resident Evil 5 Alternate edition

plenty of stuff are coming up in the coming days .... heavy rain, FF13, GOW3, yakuza3 ....

havent found time to play games let lone sit in front of the tv.

we've sacked our maid and now lucas attends infant care at cheerie hearts.

decided to get the alternate edition instead of buying the DLC as everything for RE5 is not available thru the disc while DLCs will be spread thru til 8march.

tho too bad it's a korean edition ....


saruman said...

definitely getting the heavy rain which comes out on 25th feb in malaysia... and of course GOW, FF13 and of course GT5 (which have been delayed again!- but it's a good thing.. the games gonna be more wicked!).. RE5 alternate ending???

sket said...

not alternate ending but the new DLCs ...