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Thursday, November 12, 2009


intended to sell my eyepet off cos i really dont have the time to play. then came a offer of a R3 eyepet when i listed my R2 eyepet bundle.

after my afternoon shift i bought eyepet R3 game alone at $50. drove out again at midnite to sengkang to swap my eyepet R2 bundle with borderlands +$10.

eyepet does have it's moments. and i'm glad i picked up borderlands too. wonder why everyone described it as diablo FPS. but it's surely not as dull and more fast pace and fun then the disasterous Fallout3 that was done by a great group that did Oblivion.

now i've got 5 games that i'll play til next year. there's scene it? and buzz that i'm keen but these 5 games is keeping me real excited. will skip dragon age origins, was never too fond of what bioware did with neverwinternights but they had a great bulder's gate previously.

modern warfare 2 is pretty hot. and i love shepard's intro to each mission, he's harsh. the game feels great like MGS4 somewhat.

quite a year to end with many great games.

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