my re-sent amazon package finally arrived.
i cant fall asleep in the afternoon due to personal problems, mentally. have put up some items for sale again in and .
as i approach the 40s .... the problems didnt go away but got bigger, larger than life. life after all is a living hell. we strive to get better, while others manipulate to grow more money.
life was simpler, we shared our problems 2gether .... the outdoor photos of our toys, not missing any horror movies, feeding stray cats with cat food in the car boot, a promised future .... but people change, seasons change ....
someday problems will all go away .... tho i dont wish til i get to heaven, but i have to resort to this "fate" .... life goes on .... with or without u
yo! what's up man? Seems like something is bothering u. Hope u find ur way or somehow resolve it. Whatever it is, cheer up man!
the entertainment fills the void .... sleep thru fatigue .... like a man walking with a metal ball chained, a tortise with the heaviest shell .... life's true adventure thru pain and pleasure
dun really know what it is but I can feel ur pain, doubt the problem will go away soon from what I've read...
though I can hardly qualify to give sound advice, I would say time is always a good healer/problem solver (sometimes). Chill and give it some time, it might help. Even if it don't, at least it would ease the pain somewhat. Most important, stay optimistic.
Maybe u need a drink or 2. Feel free to jio us... u know who "we" are.
thx for concern bro .... like superman shuan, which i dont really know him in person, the net is amazing, your life told to passerbys, when strength unites in the purest form.
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