after meetin my wife at the dental clinic, we had a xmas starbucks coffee b4 i left for another branch to get her the xmas penguin bear.
HMV next stop to get some goodies .... and more spotted. Led Zep Mothership, Scorpion's Deadlist Hits, both came with DVD. Emma Bunton first album ??? got it for that 3 catchy tunes. a Blu-Ray disc for scenery. was looking for that lefzep tee but they have 3 new SW lego tees, bought the one with the trooper.
next stop was Gamescore to collect my 360 Assassin's Creed. tho i have find WWE SvR 2007 too technical to game, the temptation of a free tee from the limited edition was overwhelming. Timothy and Jimmy helped me got a Large tee so i packed them up.
a crazy november indeed.
hey simon, the mothership album seems to contain most of the songs that the remasters have. Guess the draw is the additional DVD?
the dvd's ok, excerpts from many of their live performances. mine's a made in singapore cd. i'm just getting for a newer sound for my LedZep cds are pretty old.
it's the time of the year that see these remasters, compilations and boxsets released. Which isn't a bad thing I guess. Hope things are good with you. :)
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