again one leads to another.
had a nice chat with hamid last night. was asking him on his opinion on prison break series and it leads on to some nostalgic feedback on our keenness on other dramas and comedies and serials.
after the bad weekend struggle on the decision to get prison break series 1 on blu-ray, i finally made the plunge and boy, the series is damn good.

either $185 for a pair of lincoln burrows and michael scoffield prison garb hot toys 12inchers at yahoo auction or $129.95 for burrows alone at action city. my choice was the latter .... tho scoffield is the hero so far til ep3 which i stopped, i prefer burow's sculpt more. be warn the buttons on his outfits are real buttons.
heh you scored it real quick. :)
a strange move tho bro to pay more for just 1 figure .... have to curb the temptation not to get get scoffield for now .... maybe they will have a tattooed body someday ?
I think you can get a better deal at TFH, where I bought both Prison Break figures. I got Michael Scofield by himself at first. Then after watching the show in its entirety on DVD, I felt guilty for separating them, eheh...
yep i was at TFH 2day and saw them there .... i am avoiding season2 on dvd as i want em on blu-ray (not released) .... let's see how long can i wait .... lol
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