this picture shows day2 of my wife's arm. the blood has surface with the aid of "zheng gu shui". hope this injury heals soon. my wife will wear a bandgae to work.

no car 2day so i'll meet my wife after work, with my new iPod shuffle, have dinner n take a train home. bought my transitlink card last night, a $7 value, with $3 refundable deposit, n $5 for a ugly card. total $15.

the courier called b4 he came down. "specially for simon". how sweet my wife is. i was blogging that day and she ordered it without reading the blog. the connection.

this is how the shuffle is held on the plastic.

it comes with the liitle instruction booklet, apple stickers, iPod ear phones n shiffle dock.

nothing beats the personalized shuffle. they had to send back to factory to get it engraved. a gift forever.
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