there were many times of my sorrowful days i played some music, and it cheered me up. sitting by previous marantz cd player, singing along with the sad songs, tears falling .... after a few tracks, i felt better.
and there are those songs that hits the spot in your heart, the crunge and the sour, the pain that becomes bitter-sweet, makes u a hero being lonely.
still .... they are temporary measures. the truth hurts. how much u have done, how much we've been thru ....
i was also hunting for "Lost in Translation" soundtrack. of many cd shops only hmv has it but priced on the high side of $38.
simon, hope things are ok with you, take care.
shuan, tho we have yet met, u are a great pal ....
til this day i havent got over how amazin the internet connects everyone .... and it's been like we've been using this network for more than 10 years.
we should meet up sometime man, maybe can time one of our hangar trips together. :)
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