i cancelled order for ghost rider bluray from amazon this morn cos the price will be slight diff to the local release. was gonna go HMV heeren to grab that but located it at gramaphone capitol, 2gther with the lure again on planet earth, that saves me a trip down to heeren, again another place ealine will try to avoid.
Dirt came in a week early, from ealry to delay to early, gamescore smsed me for the game arrival late morning. spotted GI July at Computer Books at funan, it's another crumple copy. i asked the sales person why do they only bring in one copy and it always end up crumple. last month's crupled issue was still on the shelf. she suggest me placing a reservation but that's not good enuff for now. i draged my wife to kino laing court and as usually they have that shrink-wrapped copy. awesome.
regular blogs means regular shopping. after all most of my blogs relates to purchases for the day. holy moses shit. time to cut.
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