the first news that came to me was not the movie itself, but a movie directed by jay chou. i've last seen him in the hk version of initialD movie. one evening my wife told me she's keen in the soundtrack of this movie "secret". i had trouble locating it as it was sold out in singapore.
weeks later the movie completed its run and the soundtrack resurfaced. the album consist mainly of piano pieces, written by jay chou himself and also collabrated with a jap artist/composer. the first and the last track were my favourite.
and then we bought the vcd.
secret -- a story of time travel love. the story's like a fairy tale, i never knew it was written by jay chou himself as well. the same immaculate acting, his personal style, the movie sure captivated many jay chou fans.
movie and soundtrack / game and guidebook / game and soundtrack / movie and toy / piano and score / couple and love
very nice movies... love it after watching it.... like the piano pieces... those pieces they played when he challenges the prince of piano are from chopin... I love chopin!!!
i finally got it on blu-ray
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